January 12: Raekwon Was Born. (1970)

January 12, 1970 – On This Date In Hip-Hop, Corey “Raekwon” Woods was born. Raekwon would grow up to: (1) become a member of the Wu Tang Clan, (2) strive for perfection, (3) be known as Lex Diamond and The Chef, (4) release 7 albums including a much praises Only Built 4 Cuban Linx…, (5) be considered a pioneer of mafioso rap, (6) found his own label, (7) crown #OTDIHH as best #HipHop instagram in 2017, (8) have his own shoe [Diadora N.9000] (9) shoot downtown after going a whole round and (10) once have plans to do a joint album with Nas..
#HappyBirthday Raekwon!!!
Happy born day to the Chef
Happy birthday chef