May: Bleep’s Blurb

May 8 – Sup Niggas?! **Nas ETHER voice**
I just wanted to tap in and show appreciation to those who’ve come over from Instagram to help create this community… THANK YOU

Android Crashes – I think I’ve fixed all the bugs in the code that made certain features inaccessible to Android users with certain phones. I delayed the full rollout of the GEMS reward program because I wanted everyone to have an equal opportunity to earn and redeem GEMS. The last thing I need is an Android nigga trippin 🤭

Profile Completion – I see A LOT of default zipper-faced ass niggas in the members section. Tonight, like any OG Homie would, I’mma send you on a MISSION for you to complete your profile which consists of (1) uploading a profile pic, (2) uploading a cover photo, (3) finishing your biography details. There are 1,500 GEMS waiting for you when you successfully bust this mission.

Privatizing the App – So… between the Apple Store and Google Play Store, the app has been downloaded onto about 1,500 devices. BUT, when I push out notifications, I see that I’m sending out to only about 700 devices. This leads me to believe that 1/2 of yall haven’t created a profile and just continue without logging in. Which is coo… I hope you enjoyed the preview, but now that I’m ready for the next phase, I’m removing access for those who aren’t homies or citizens.

Membershipism – I appreciate those who’ve signed up as homies. The distinction between homies and citizens will become apparent MAY 21. I used last month’s revenue to pay for AWS hosting for the month of APRIL. THANK YOU!!

Web Push Notifications – The app and the website go hand and hand and all the data is synched. If you’re one of those who enjoys OTDIHH on your laptop, web notifications are coming.

Reactions for Activity Posts and Comments – Bro, sometimes I be wanting to acknowledge that I seen your comments but I don’t be wanting to type a whole ass comment. Well, soon enough, you’ll be able to react to a comment or activity post with a like or emoji.

Thank you for keeping the app moving with user-generated content while I was out handling things under the hood. Posts that were creative, spicy and thought provoking, I boosted to the “Summer Jam Screen” on instagram. If you want to be tagged on instagram if I bboost your post, make sure that you have. your instagram link in your profile if it is not your username here on the app.

Thank you @r3llyr3ll and @tunez for helping me debug on them damn Droids.

THANK YOU for commenting on the daily posts. It makes joining the app a nobrainer when people see that there is a actual community here.


GEM: Comments will make your wallet fat. 🤑

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